Rabbi Noach Weinberg, of Blessed Memory

This week, we share in the mourning for Rabbi Noach Weinberg, founder and leader of Aish HaTorah until his passing on Thursday. As I detail in a post on Cross-Currents, I attended only one of his classes (until I, much later, was involved in outreach myself) —...

Inauguration Week

It has been an extraordinary week, especially for those of us in the United States. Just 45 years after the 1964 Civil Rights act, we have a black President. I think that this is part and parcel of what has made the United States such a Medina Shel Chesed, kind host...

New Teachers on Torah.org

We will soon be launching a new advanced class called “Shabbos: Taam HaChaim.” It’s always exciting to have a new teacher aboard — Rabbi Binyomin Adler has extensive teaching experience from his tenure in various Jerusalem schools, and we look...