Listen on Repeat

Listen on Repeat

As a child, I recall feeling frustrated while studying for tests. I would often fantasize about a pill that contained all the knowledge I needed for school. I would simply swallow it, and would then effortlessly possess all the information I needed, eliminating the...
Reaping the Benefits

Reaping the Benefits

In agriculture, spring is the time when crops are grown and begin to be harvested. During the times of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, this season was marked by the commandment to bring the Omer offering. The Omer offering was made up of a measure of barley flour and...


One of the strongest human drives is our desire to satisfy our own wants and needs, even at the expense of others. This pursuit can often lead us to pursue honor, disregard the dignity of others, and engage in negative or destructive behaviors. However, this powerful...
Hurdles that Heal

Hurdles that Heal

The Torah describes a Metzora, one afflicted with a disease on his skin called Tzaraas. This was a spiritual impurity with obvious physical symptoms. A Kohein (a member of the priestly Jewish tribe) would examine a lesion on a person and declare him or her to be a...
Altar-ing the Flavor

Altar-ing the Flavor

A great deal of the Book of Leviticus, which we begin reading this week, discusses the animal and flour offerings brought in the Tabernacle and the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Hebrew word for offering, “Korban,” literally means a tool to bring us closer...