Jumping into the Sea

Jumping into the Sea

In this week’s reading, the Torah tells us that Moshe spread out his hand over the sea, a wind blew all through the night, the waters divided, and the Children of Israel walked through on dry ground [Ex. 14:21-22].  The Medrash, however, fills in an important...
Hashem, Hear Our Cry

Hashem, Hear Our Cry

“And I have also heard the outcry of the Children of Israel, that the Egyptians are burdening them with work” [Ex. 6:5] Rabbi Yehoshua M’Ostrov explained that Hashem was saying the following: In reality, all of the troubles and subjugation that I the Egyptians placed...
Pharoah, a Model Antisemite

Pharoah, a Model Antisemite

Then a new king came to power in Egypt, who did not know Joseph. “Look,” he said to his people, “the nation of the Children of Israel has become too numerous and powerful for us. Come, we must outsmart him or he will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out,...
The Message of Chanukah

The Message of Chanukah

Many believe that Chanukah is about a military battle: the untrained, unprepared small band of Jews defeated the great Greek army, pushed them out of the Holy Temple, and celebrated by lighting the Menorah and eating latkes. Israel even has a whole Maccabiah Games, a...
Filling the Void

Filling the Void

We learn in this week’s reading that when Yosef had prophetic dreams about ruling over his family, his brothers resented it. Thinking that he was a threat to them and the nation they were to build, they contemplated killing him. Reuven, though, convinced them to...
What Really Matters

What Really Matters

In our reading, Yaakov is informed that Esav is coming out to meet him with 400 men. Yaakov prepares to face tremendous losses—”And he said, if Esav comes upon one camp and strikes it, the remaining camp will be for a remnant” [32:9]. The Medrash say...