Igniting the Jewish Spark - 

Ensuring the Jewish Future


Project Genesis engages Jews worldwide in Jewish educational programming, regardless of their location or previous background. Furthermore, we aim to connect Jewish seekers to “live” resources to advance their Jewish connection and commitment to Jewish life.

Jewish “continuity” has become the buzzword of our day, recognizing that spiraling intermarriage rates and declining affiliation have created a threat to the global Jewish population that could outdo even the Holocaust. There is one solution with an unparalleled track record of success at engendering Jewish pride and commitment — Jewish education.

This is the mission of Project Genesis, to speak to Jews around the globe in modern language and with advanced technology, while connecting them to the timeless.

What does Project Genesis do?

Project Genesis is, in functional terms, the IT department for Jewish Outreach. Torah.org reaches out to Jews by providing quality Jewish classes and resources. JewishAnswers.org opens itself to the questions and concerns of our readership, provides answers from Rabbis around the globe, and seeks to further the Jewish education of the Jews who are asking for more. eKiruv.com helps those devoted to Jewish outreach to carry out their missions more effectively. TorahMedia.com channels thousands of recordings of Jewish content from Jewish educators to those thirsty for Jewish knowledge.

Additional services include web and email hosting for Jewish outreach organizations, email discussion lists for outreach, and technology advice and tips to help Rabbis and leaders reach out to our fellow Jews, both online and off.



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