by Rabbi Yaakov Menken | Jun 3, 2011 | Lifeline, What's happening
On Tuesday night, we will revisit the time when the entire nation heard the Voice of G-d, on the holiday of Shavuos. Our Sages teach that the Jewish holidays are not merely commemoration of past events, but a time on the calendar when the same spiritual energies come...
by Mordechai Dixler | Apr 13, 2011 | What's happening
The raffle has now concluded, and results will be announced right before Passover! The deadline for the Project Genesis $100K Raffle has been extended to April 12th! If you haven’t bought your ticket yet now’s your last chance to win and help launch the...
by Mordechai Dixler | Apr 8, 2011 | Lifeline, What's happening
The Torah speaks of a Divine affliction called Tzara’as, a visible blemish on a person’s skin, clothing, or walls of their home that creates intense spiritual impurity upon the carrier. There are many complex laws listed in this week and last week’s...
by Mordechai Dixler | Mar 18, 2011 | Lifeline, What's happening
Happy Purim! Purim is one of only two Rabbinic holidays on our calendar. The other such holiday, Chanukah, carries with it the very obvious miracle of the single day’s supply of oil that burned for eight days. Purim, on the other hand, has no such miracle...
by Mordechai Dixler | Mar 11, 2011 | Lifeline, What's happening
The Temple offering of the Mincha, a simple offering of flour, oil, and spice, is the only offering when the Torah calls the donor who brings it a “Soul.” The classic commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, Rashi, explains that since this inexpensive...
by Mordechai Dixler | Mar 4, 2011 | Lifeline, What's happening
This week, we read the special Torah portion of Shekalim, commemorating the annual half-Shekel donation that every person was obligated to give to support the ongoing needs of the Holy Temple. This special reading, which precedes the New Month of Adar (II), is in...