A Measured Approach to Change

A Measured Approach to Change

Moshe (Moses) continues to enumerate in Ki Seitzei, this week’s Torah portion, the many Mitzvos (commandments) G-d gave to the Jewish people. This portion actually has the largest listing of Mitzvos of any weekly Torah reading — 74 in total. Among these is...
Personal Police

Personal Police

All societies require some means of government to maintain law and order. So the Torah’s directive, in the opening of this week’s Torah portion, to establish judges and police to enforce the law is not surprising. As the Mishna writes (Pirkei Avos 3:2),...
Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains

When the Jewish people were on the verge of entering the Land of Israel, Moshe (Moses) reminded them of the abundant blessings promised to those who follow G-d’s commandments, and the curses to those who turn away from the Torah and follow other gods. Upon...
He’s Got the Goods

He’s Got the Goods

The Sages of the Talmud (Brachos 33b) say “Everything is in the hands of Heaven, except fear of Heaven.” That is to say, that although it may appear we have control over our activities, the results and our success are actually beyond our control. However,...
It’s a Pleasure to Serve You

It’s a Pleasure to Serve You

The verses of the Shema begin with a commandment to “Serve G-d with all your heart. (Deut. 6:5)” The word for heart in the Hebrew text is written in a double manner—ordinarily, “with your whole heart” would be written as “Bchol...