“For the Candle is a Mitzvah, and the Torah is Light.” Here’s an easy Mitzvah for you, that will spread the Light of Torah in time for Chanukah! All that’s required is your knowledge of your community, and a few moments of your volunteer spirit.
Notice boards — in shuls, Hillel buildings, dormitory buildings, JCCs, Kosher restaurants and markets — remain a powerful and inexpensive place to advertise services for the Jewish community. We have 8.5×11 glossy sheets, to promote “Jewish Learning @ Internet Speed.” You, we hope, know of places where they will be noticed.
If you can think of five or more places to post them, please tell us. If you think a local poster-hanging would be helpful, just tell us how much it will cost to use the services of the local agency (as there are in many neighborhoods and on many campuses, all inexpensive). If you have less than 5 places, might you consider printing out a copy or two and hanging them somewhere visible?
In this simple way, you can help us to spread the word about Torah.org, and help others to start learning with us. Please email genesis *at* torah.org to help in this campaign.
Also, please take note of our special Chanukah section here at Torah.org, and listen to our Chanukah audio at TorahMedia.com.
Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Director, Project Genesis – Torah.org