The Seder of an Eternal People

Everyone knows that this has been a difficult year. But it is specifically after a year like this one that we see that the Haggadah, a text thousands of years old, remains as relevant and empowering as ever. During the Seder, we not only talk about Pharoah and the...

PG Tweets

We're "Tweeting" for Torah! Twitter is a rapidly-growing phenomenon in the area of "social networking," which people use to provide brief updates to others on what they are doing, "deeds great and small." Given its positive uses, we've begun to post to Twitter so that...

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A Nation’s Heroes

I believe that you learn a lot about a culture from its heroes. If you need evidence that the European High Middle Ages were murderous, brutal and primitive, look at the heroes of the age -- they were warriors, not scientists, and so murderous that a healthy dose of...

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Make a Best Effort, and With G-d’s Help…

At my son's eighth grade Seudas Preida (lit. "departure meal," or graduation dinner), each graduate was asked to say a brief thought. My wife gets the credit for finding a very apt thought on this week's reading. The Torah tells us that the spies went into the Land of...

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Enhancing Shabbos With Shabbos Tweets

As many already know, the Baltimore JCC has decided to open its Owings Mills branch on Saturday afternoon, reversing a decision to keep it closed on Shabbos 12 years ago. Our own Rabbi Mordechai Dixler suggested that we think about what we can do to promote thinking...

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Shabbos Rally and Feedback from our Readers

This May 29-30 will be Shavuot, the Holiday that celebrates the acceptance of the Torah. Our Shavuos section features many articles about this important, yet somewhat neglected holiday -- please have a look! Speaking of which, my apologies for "getting ahead of...

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Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld

This week we are marking the fifth Yahrtzeit of my father-in-law, Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld. He was a leading researcher in the field of computer vision, and was also a scholar of Torah with keen insight. He graced with two classes in Jewish Law, one each...

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