We’re “Tweeting” for Torah!

Twitter is a rapidly-growing phenomenon in the area of “social networking,” which people use to provide brief updates to others on what they are doing, “deeds great and small.” Given its positive uses, we’ve begun to post to Twitter so that you can quickly learn about updates to our websites.

We have active feeds for TorahMedia and JewishAnswers.org, as well as a unique one for Shabbos. This last one is interactive — if you use Twitter, please use it to notify us (and the world) about anything you’re doing for Shabbos (you can use both #shabbos and #shabbat to let the world know what you’re doing for the Holy Day).

The Project Genesis feed will reprint much of the above, and we also have automated updates for the Cross-Currents journal.

We also plan one for Torah.org — but this is part of our plans for the revision and update to our main website. For this, we need your help — please consider making a donation now to support this important effort!

Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Yaakov Menken (who also has a Twitter account)
Director, Project Genesis – Torah.org

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