In Word and Deed

It’s not enough to “talk the talk;” so we learn from this week’s reading. In public, Ephron declared that he would give Avraham the Cave of the Patriarchs for free, but then he expected a massive payment of 400 Centurions (the equivalent of...

The Light Within

When Lemech named his new son (at the end of last week’s reading, Gen. 5:29), he called the boy “Noach”, saying “this shall comfort us (yeNaCHameinu) from our work and the difficult labor of our hands.” But the name Noach was prophetic in...

Another Chance to Change

Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgment, gave us a chance to reflect upon the past, and perhaps make some New Year’s resolutions for the future. So why do we celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Repentance, ten days later? First and foremost, our Sages teach us that the...

A Moment of Thanks

With the presidential race now so prominent in the collective American consciousness, the following story is especially apropos. In the Ohr Somayach Yeshiva in Jerusalem, there was an elderly native of the city who prayed with the Yeshiva each morning. On the morning...

That Pivotal Moment

This week’s reading begins with G-d’s promise to bless those who follow the Commandments, and a curse upon those who go away from them to follow false gods. It is obvious, then, that there’s a big gap between the two. One could hope not to stumble...