For Goodness Sake

When unexpected guests arrive at Abraham’s tent, the Torah repeatedly emphasizes his hurry to serve them: “He ran to greet them… Abraham rushed to the tent… he said, ‘Hurry!’… Abraham ran to the cattle…” This is...

The Comfort Zone

In this week’s reading, our forefather Abraham is told to leave home. He is to journey to the Promised Land, where, G-d promises, Abraham will grow to be a great nation. But as we know, the Nation of Israel only develops after most of the intervening years are...

Noah and the Carwash

I don’t think I’m alone in feeling a sense of newness this week. The High Holidays and the subsequent 9-day holiday of Succos/Shemini Atzeres-Simchas Torah — all grouped, in the Al-mighty’s wisdom, at the beginning of the Jewish year —...

Like an Angel

This year, Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos, the Sabbath. Yom Kippur itself is called “Sabbath of Sabbaths” in the Torah [Lev. 16:31] — but what is the connection? They seem to lie at opposite ends of the spectrum. On the Sabbath, we sit together with...

Return to Him With Love

It is amazing how our Sages set up the Torah readings, arranging them such that we often see an obvious connection to the time of year in which each portion is read. For example, Nitzavim is read before Rosh HaShanah every year, and talks about returning to G-d and...