Our Sages teach that Moshe’s father, Amram, withdrew from his wife because of Pharoah’s cruel decree that the midwives should kill any male Jewish child. His daughter Miriam protested, saying that because of him there would be no Jewish girls, either — and he accepted her reasoning, resulting in Moshe’s birth.
Amram returned to his wife, however, only after Pharoah replaced his failed edict with a new one — telling his entire nation to throw any Jewish boy into the Nile. The reason for this, says Rav Tzvi Elimelech Hertzberg, is that while it takes an open miracle to save a baby from a murderer, it takes only a hidden miracle to save a baby from privation — as then happened with Amram’s son, Moshe.
Recently we have seen an ongoing series of hidden miracles on behalf of our brothers and sisters in S’derot, Ashkelon, Ashdod and the entire region — not to mention the brave soldiers now deep in Gaza itself. May these miracles continue, and may we all see true peace come to Israel speedily.
Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Director, Project Genesis – Torah.org