Hello everyone!
The holidays are over — in fact, today and Shabbos are Rosh Chodesh Mar Cheshvan, the beginning of the month of Cheshvan (which is called Mar, bitter, because it has no holidays). So we are getting back to work, and have many new and developing projects which you’ll hear more about very soon.
Well, no time like the present, right? Our first announcement, below, is the beginning of a new class here at Torah.org for advanced readers. Rabbi Adlerstein has been a great friend of Project Genesis and personal mentor since the beginning, and a driving force behind our Cross-Currents blog/journal. To have him teaching through Torah.org is therefore a uniquely gratifying honor, and I can merely hope that advanced students will enjoy the new class nearly as much as I will.
There’s something else about this class that is unique: it comes with a dedication of financial support. This ensures that Rav Adlerstein will be able to take time from his multitudinous other responsibilities to write each weekly class.
I bring this to your attention because, while we are adding classes now (and this week’s featured Dvar Torah is a teaser for our next addition), we have also recently lost a few teachers to other, more lucrative projects. Given our budget, all of our teachers are volunteers. But if you make a dedication in support of a class, both the teacher and Torah.org benefit. You may think it a tiny thing, but it makes a tremendous difference. How better to express your thanks and enthusiasm?
So I hope that you will consider Dedicating a Class to ensure that it continues as well. Again, it does make a difference, and we sincerely appreciate your ongoing support for our program.
Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Director, Project Genesis / Torah.org