As you may recall, we finished our “Ki MiTzion” interactive VideoConference series roughly a month ago. The series featured lecturers in Israel speaking live to a Baltimore audience, using modern technology in lieu of airplane travel. Many of the recordings from those events are now available on

One of the speakers from that series, Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Becker, has uploaded more of his lectures to TorahMedia and to his own site,

TorahMedia also has entirely new sections on Music and Radio! We’ve started small, but we welcome new submissions. For starters, hear the soothing guitar and clarinet mix of Jewish Roots Music from Tzvi Gluckin, or listen to the classic German Jewish prayer compositions sung by a talented young cantor and his choir. Also check out our Radio section with interviews, news, and quick Torah thoughts (“sound bites?”).

We’re on the lookout for more talent for our music section. We hope to give Jewish music artists the opportunity to offer and sell their material and acquire greater recognition. If you are a new artist, send us some samples of your material — we’ll review it, and possibly put it on the site!

Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Director, Project Genesis /

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