March 18, at 10am – through Live interactive Video from Jerusalem, Israel
Rabbi Zev Leff
speaking on a timely topic –
The Passover Seder:
What are We Trying to Accomplish?
Rabbi Leff is the spiritual leader of Moshav Mattityahu in Israel and renowned international lecturer and educator. You can see his full bio, as well as many of his recordings and articles, at his website – Rabbileff.Net
As usual all talks will take place @
The Center for Jewish Education
5708 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore
(Park Heights JCC)
This past Sunday, those who attending the Ki Metzion Video Conference enjoyed a special treat of having the speaker live and in person! While many of the attendees have appreciated the novelty of having a speaker from Israel talk interactively with the Baltimore audience, there’s still much to be said for a live appearance. Unforeseen circumstances placed Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Becker in NY at the time of his scheduled talk, and we’re very grateful to him for making the trip down to Baltimore early Daylight Savings morning to address our crowd.
If you missed the talk from this past Sunday, or would just like to have a copy of the talk, an mp3 version of the it can be found on our audio site,, by going here. The recording is offered for just $2, and can be “borrowed” with a TorahMedia monthly membership.
You’re also encouraged to check out Rabbi Dr. Becker’s other lectures on TorahMedia here, including two FREE recordings, and to visit his blog/website here.
We’ve also put Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblum‘s talk about the Mideast Conflict from January 21st on TorahMedia, and it too can be purchased for just $2. You can find that here. We will be adding more of the Ki Metzion recordings, G-d willing, as they become available. You will find all of the available Ki Metzion recordings here.