I was about 15 years old when I lost a Siddur (prayer book) on a backpacking trip near the summit of New Hampshire’s Mt. Washington, the highest peak in the Northeastern United States. It must have fallen out of my pocket at a pit-stop along the hike. After my return to New York, I had no dreams of seeing that Siddur again. Besides, it didn’t have much sentimental value to me, so it wasn’t a great loss.
Some time later, maybe a few months, I received a manila envelope in the mail addressed to me, and inside I was shocked to find my Siddur. The short handwritten note inside explained that the finder was hiking along the Mt. Washington trail and found this little book between the rocks with my address in it, and they thought I would want it back. This random kindness from a complete stranger left a strong impression on my 15 year old mind, and of course I wrote back a grateful reply.
The return of another’s property, even the smallest thing, can bring them so much joy.
It’s a Mitzva to return lost items, as detailed in this week’s Torah portion (Deut 22:1-3). From a careful reading of the verse — “VaHaSheivosa Lo” – “and you should return it to him” — the Talmud (Sanhedrin 63a) extends this commandment to healing others, returning their health and ability to live.
If this Mitzva applies to physical objects and physical wellbeing, then it surely applies to restoring a spiritual loss. As much as we value the things we own and our health, our greatest value is our spiritual life. We derive so much meaning from our relationships with others, and our relationship with G-d. Just like my prayer book, so many souls have fallen between the rocks. How many have become lost in the endless pursuit of the perfect house, the perfect job, the perfect car, and the perfect restaurant? People may not be in touch with the reality, but there is so much joy to be found in a spiritual experience, and a spiritual relationship with the source of all life and meaning, our Al-mighty Creator. (Based on Tiferes Shimshon)
“Lo Suchal L’Hisalem” – “We can’t hide and ignore (Deut 22:3)” what’s being lost in our culture of indulgence and diversion. True love to our friends and family, and even complete strangers, is expressed when we introduce them to a prayer, a Mitzva, and an inspiring or novel Torah thought. Have you perhaps read something on Torah.org that you appreciated, or that left an impression on you? Print it out for someone, or share it on social media. Take that extra step to return your friend’s most valued possession.
Dear Rabbi,
I really loved your writing for this weeks parsha, until I got to the part about “the pursuit of the perfect house, the perfect job, the perfect car, and the perfect restaurant”. There is nothing wrong with pursuing fulfillment, in fact, those implanted desires within us are also a part of G d and have their purpose. I know from my own life that while the hardships have been important for spiritual growth, they have also been, at times, such a weight that it was the very thing that made me feel ” fallen between the rocks” I am not so comfortable with being lumped in with “our culture of indulgence and diversion” I am more apt to believe that everyone around me is also feeling this sense disconnection and confusion and on a very deep level asking – is it safe to trust in this G d and in this life, to feel that this very life is “the city of refuge” where I can let go a little bit and be safe to fully experience the inner spiritual life that may have gotten dusty along the way. Shabbat Shalom, Chana
Oh, I agree with you that physical pursuits have their purpose. In fact, it’s the greatest of achievements to channel our physical pursuits in a way that they enhance our spiritual connection with G-d. The problem occurs when it’s an *endless* pursuit for the *perfect* house, etc. and when that pursuit becomes an end in itself with no desire for spiritual growth at all. We tend to get lost in our pursuits of the physical and never find satisfaction. As the Sages of the Talmud say “If you’ve acquired 100, you want 200.”
practicing ONE A DAY fulfills such a mitzvah
I had no intention of reading this little message as I have so many things in my e-mail box and don’t often have time to read through everything I get. Have little time to even open my laptop. But today I just paused and decided to read it. I had to share it with a few friends as it really just impacted me so much. I am 76 years old and like to think of myself as a Christian Zionist and enjoy reading articles written by Rabbi’s as I often get a whole new insight from your articles. Thank you for this one – it really made me think and value your insight.
Enjoyed your Dvar Torah.
Amazing concept.I try to remember and act upon it.
Chazack Uvaruch
Have a good day.