“Ki MiTzion Tetzeh Torah” – The Torah Will Go Forth From Zion
A series of outstanding teachers, by LIVE Video Conference from Jerusalem
Truly Interactive, with Questions and Answers after each Talk!
COMING THIS SUNDAY: If you’re in the Baltimore area, don’t miss…
Rabbi Noach Orlowek on the topic of Jewish Pride: When our children ask, “Why be Jewish?” at 1PM!
Come see him at the Center for Jewish Education Conference Room, on the Second Floor of the Park Heights JCC Building, 5708 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore
Next Month:
Jan. 14, 1 pm: Rabbi Motti Berger
Topic : Anti-Semitism: Why the Jews?
Jan. 21, 10 am: Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblum
Topic : Turbulence in the Middle East: The Next Chapter
Future Lectures:
Feb. 4, 10 am: Rabbi Doron Kornbluth
Feb. 11, 10 am: Rabbi Ken Spiro
Feb. 18, 10 am: Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller
Mar. 11, 10 am: Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Becker
Mar. 18, 10 am: Rabbi Zev Leff
The Speaker will be broadcasted in Baltimore — but speaking from Jerusalem. It’s a live, two-way Video Conference, projected on large screen for your benefit. There will even be questions and answers, and the speaker will see you as well.
We expect to have a live video feed for Internet viewing, but that remains to be tested. Please check back at our web site for details!