Hearing Half the Story, a Flotilla Lesson

In this week’s reading, we learn of the spies sent to look at the Land of Israel, who returned with an evil report — and the disaster that followed. The entire generation that said they could not go up into the Land created a self-fulfilling prophecy: G-d...

Turn On the Lights in Every Soul

Our reading this week begins with a command to Aaron regarding the lighting of the Menorah. The Torah does not say that Aaron should “ignite” the candles, similar to the blessing when lighting candles on Shabbos or Chanukah, but that he should “make...

A Unique Spiritual Oppurtunity

This coming week, from Tuesday evening through Thursday night, is the holiday of Shavuos — the day of receipt of the Torah itself, at Mt. Sinai. Our Sages tell us that each holiday brings with it unique spiritual opportunities and energies, making this our...

We Have Exponential Power

A friend of mine emailed a beautiful message to me this morning… thank you to Rabbi Nitzan Bergman of Baltimore for the following thought. The week’s Torah portion paints the following picture of the success promised to the Jewish people when they come...

Mistakes of Others and Kotel Cam

The Torah reading this week begins with G-d speaking to Moshe, “after the deaths of the two sons of Aharon.” G-d has a lesson for Aharon, that he should not enter the Holy of Holies except as directed. Why is this told to Aharon “after the deaths of...