Healthy Cravings

Healthy Cravings

by Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld This week’s reading includes one of the strangest episodes in the entire Torah. The Jewish People have been out of Egypt for over a year, headed slowly but surely towards the Promised Land. Despite the harsh environment of the desert...
The Family of Gershon

The Family of Gershon

Our reading begins this week with the work and responsibilities of the family of Levi’s son Gershon, one of the three families of Levites. The family of Kehas was discussed in last week’s reading, and Merari follows Gershon. Each family had different...
Headline News

Headline News

Describing the arrival of the Children of Israel in the Sinai Desert, the Torah writes: “In the third month from the Exodus of the Children of Israel from the Land of Egypt, on that day they came to the Sinai Desert. And they traveled from Refidim, and they came...
Payback for Pain

Payback for Pain

This week’s Torah reading begins with a command to Moshe and Aharon to take a census of the Children of Israel, and the resulting count by tribe. Rabbi Moshe Nachmanides, a famed commentator from the 13th century, notes that the tribe of Levi is notably smaller...
Listen on Repeat

Listen on Repeat

As a child, I recall feeling frustrated while studying for tests. I would often fantasize about a pill that contained all the knowledge I needed for school. I would simply swallow it, and would then effortlessly possess all the information I needed, eliminating the...
Reaping the Benefits

Reaping the Benefits

In agriculture, spring is the time when crops are grown and begin to be harvested. During the times of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, this season was marked by the commandment to bring the Omer offering. The Omer offering was made up of a measure of barley flour and...